Saturday, January 4, 2014

Wellness and Wildflowers

Several posts ago I mentioned that one of my goals for the summer was to finish my additional credits.  I needed 12 credits to finish my masters +30 and Katie K. offered a class that involved hiking in Glacier and taking pictures.  Seriously??!  I jumped on board quickly before this seemed too good to be true.  One of the things I wish the four of us would do more often is go hiking, however Jeremy isn't a hiker.  In fact he doesn't understand why we would go hiking if we have a perfectly good 4-wheeler.  I love to hike, especially in areas of peaceful, serene beauty and since Jeremy won't go hiking I decided this was a perfect opportunity.  This group is called "Girls in Glacier"--men aren't even allowed.  The assignment for the course was you HAD to go on 5 hikes and then create a website identifying at least 20 flowers.  Okay, twist my arm!

At first I was a bit nervous about the hikes.  I didn't know anyone and that makes me step out of my comfort zone a bit;  I shouldn't have been nervous.  The women were wonderful!  Each time I went it was a slightly different group of women yet they were always so fun and inviting.  I had such a great time getting to know new people and experience God's beauty.

One of the hikes had a large group of women from CMR.  It was a fun drive to and from Glacier as we talked and laughed and then the 5 of us stuck together on the hike as well.

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