Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Rylee Ears Look So Pretty

On February 3rd, 2013 Rylee made a decision.  The girls and I had stopped at the mall after church to pick up just a few things.  As we walked into the mall and past Claire's, Rylee said that she wanted to pierce her ears.  I just dismissed it and didn't really take her serious, but as we were leaving past Claire's again she started to get teary when I didn't stop.  All of a sudden I wasn't sure what to do since she seemed serious.  It took Abbie twice of getting up in the chair before she finally decided to go ahead with it, but Rylee is so different than Abbie.  Claire's wasn't busy so I decided to venture in and see if she was still serious.  Not only was she serious, but she climbed right up in the chair, picked out her earrings, and didn't even hesitate.  It was only when the clerk was marking her ears did she start to show some panic, and who steps in to be wonderful....Abbie.  Abbie tells Rylee to look at her and squeeze her hand while the guns were pulled!  I am truly blessed by having such wonderful daughters.  As the guns were pulled Rylee made a small shriek and that was it.  We wiped the silent tears and her only real complaint was that her ears were burning.  The clerk cleaned them well, stopped the burning and hotness, and by the time we were back at the car she was in great spirits!

Rylee picked these cute multi-colored daises, aren't they cute?

She is super cute without the earrings too but what a big girl!

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