Thursday, January 2, 2014

Rylee's Dance Recital

The month of April is always a busy one for us.  Usually in the midst of having birthday parties we are managing getting two girls ready for a dance rehearsal and recital.  This year we only had one girl in a dance recital.  It was definitely easier only having to get one little pumpkin ready with a bun and make-up.  Rylee did a really cute tap dance number called "When I Grow Up."  In fact, I can still hear her singing it in her cute little voice, "When I grow a year or 2 or 3, I'll be as happy as can be."  It was too cute!

Look at all that pink!!

Just a bit of attitude before we leave for the recital

I love this picture!  How cute is she?

I love this picture too.  My two cuties!

Rylee always has lots of fans at her recitals

In addition to lots of fans, Rylee is always showered with lots of flowers and presents after her performance

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