Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jeremy's 38th Birthday

Jeremy still doesn't want anyone to make a big deal about his birthday and this year I feel like we hardly did anything.  Our schedule is crazy busy with Rylee playing soccer, Abbie doing gymnastics, playing softball, and attending an art class at the C.M. Russell Museum 1 day per week.  On top of all of those activities, the weekend of Jeremy's birthday we also managed 2 birthday parties, running the Icebreaker, and I took a photography class.   Yikes!!  The one thing we could squeeze in was some chocolate chip birthday pancakes.  Not sure who wanted the pancakes more...Daddy or two hungry girls.  

Happy Birthday to Daddy.  Happy Birthday to You!!

The girls and I did decided we should buy Jeremy an iPad for his birthday.  He is becoming so technology savvy that we thought he would have some fun surfing the web for "good deals."  Boy were we right!! I think he is shopping on Craig's list for hours.

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