Wednesday, January 1, 2014

State HOSA

Not very often do I post pictures of HOSA...I am not sure why.  HOSA takes up a lot of my time so I am not sure why I have never included them in our yearly posts.  This year State HOSA was hosted in Great Falls.  This meant a lot more work in the preparation, however it was nice to not have to travel and have the late nights that usually accompany traveling with high school students.  

State HOSA 2013 Team

This is our traditional pose.  I didn't realize, until I started advising for HOSA, that I always tilt my head during a picture.  The students started making fun of me and now it is one of our traditional poses.

Darby is a National Officer this year.  What fun having a celebrity like a National Officer at our State Conference.

State HOSA 2013 Team post Awards Banquet...Look at all those medals!!!

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