Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Abbie 8th Birthday

I cannot believe that Abbie just turned 8.  Every mom says that, I know, but as I sit and reflect on where time has gone it just seems like yesterday that I was pregnant.  It just seems like yesterday that we were at Dr. Key's office deciding to be induced the following morning.  It just seems like yesterday that I was walking the circle of the Labor and Delivery floor convinced that it was helping to progress my contractions.  It just seems like yesterday that I was sleeping next to a beautiful brand new baby on the couch.  It just seems like yesterday that my baby was taking her first steps on the hardwood living room floor.  It just seems like yesterday that my little girl was starting her first day at kindergarten.  Where does time go? 

Birthday pancakes before school

Abbie had another milestone the day before her birthday.  She lost her front tooth.

Abbie didn't really ask for anything for her birthday this year.  The only thing she wanted was a soft fuzzy jacket.  That was pretty easy!

She needed a new pair of tennis shoes and really liked these, but they didn't have her size.  Luckily, I had time to find them online and have them sent.  Tennis shoes aren't the funniest birthday gift, however it was fun to watch her face when she opened the box.

Abbie is such a great kid and she really didn't ask for anything for her birthday.  What she asked for were things that many would consider as things that she needed, rather than fun gifts.  I found a karaoke machine online and ordered it for her.  Her and Rylee are having tons of fun playing with it singing some country songs and songs from High School Musical.  I am not afraid to belt out some Pontoon by Little Big Town on the karaoke machine too!

Dear Abbie,

I know that every year I start the letter the same about not knowing where the time has gone and not being able to believe that you are already another year older.  However, it brings tears to my eyes to think that in another 10 years you will be ready to leave the house.  Ten years seems so far away, but it isn't really when I think about how fast the last 8 years have gone.  I absolutely love you and can't figure out why I have been so blessed with such a kind, compassionate, loving young lady.  When I say I love you to the moon and back, it doesn't do it justice.  I love you more than that.  I love you so much that I can't put it into words.

In your eight years, you have taught me so many things.  You have taught me what it looks like to be an amazing big sister.  You have taught me to trust in everyone until they do something to lose your trust.  You have taught me to be kind to everyone, even when they hurt you.  You are so sweet.  Honestly, I don't think there is a mean bone in your body.  When you do something wrong or when something happened at school, you get a tummy ache until you tell me about it.  When I am tucking you into bed at night that is when you tell me things that are stressing you out. You are so honest.  It stresses you out if you raised your voice at recess to someone or didn't remember to say "thank you" to your teacher at the end of the day. It is one of the many things I love about you.  I always want you to be able to confide in me (I wonder how long the tummy ache thing will last...forever I hope!)  The way you treat Rylee is unbelieveable.  No matter what Rylee wants you give it to her or give in to her.  If I want to buy you something (even something like a candy bar or ice cream), you always want me to buy the same for Rylee.  At school you buy more things from Ms. Irwin's Friday store for her than you do for yourself.  At Book Swap treats you bring books home for Rylee, not yourself.  Most people would say that your personality comes from your parents or the environment you are raised in, however that is not the case with you Abbie.  You have blessed us!  Your kind, caring, compassionate self is all you!  Thank you Abbie.  I love you to the moon and back!


P.S.  On a less emotional note, the last year I have seen lots of changes in you.  The biggest change has been in the activities that you have chosen to partake in.  You made the decision to stop dance class and do gymnastics.  Right now you are working very hard in the pre-team class with the hopes that next year you will be asked to compete on the Level 3 team.  Dad and I have seen you become an aggressive defensive player on the basketball court.  In the softball field, you still fill your mitt with dirt between outs, but you are really trying hard and I think you do a great job of playing first base.

In school, I have also seen a change in you.  You still work very hard and do a great job at everything but I have seen a change in your interests.  You used to love to read and you scored off the charts on your last MAP testing in reading, but now it seems like you are really enjoying math and it seems to come easy for you.  Ms. Irwin compliments everything you do and has put you in some specialized classes with Ms. Grady to push you a little harder in math and reading.

Things that I love to do with you:  put puzzles together, read aloud, crafts of any kind, play games, cuddle and watch movies, and anything we do as a family like sledding, camping, or going to the lake.

Here is a list of your favorites:

Favorite Color: Blue

Favorite Toy:  Easel (she loves to play teacher)

Favorite Food:  Spaghetti and Doughnuts (Dad always brings them home on a Saturday or Sunday morning after he works a night shift)

Favorite Drink:  Milkshake

Favorite Restaurant:  Fuddruckers

Favorite Movie:  Frozen

Favorite Book: The Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan

Favorite Thing To Play:  Teacher

Want to be when you grow up:  Famous Gymnast or Grade School Teacher

Favorite Activity to do: Gymnastics

Favorite School Subject: Math

Best Friend:  Norah

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:  Cuddle while watching a movie

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:  Tickle Fight

Favorite Thing to Do with Rylee:  Play House or School

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