Thursday, January 2, 2014

Annual Trip to Circus

This year the Virts family again took in the circus.  We have made this a bit of a tradition and Abbie is well aware that it always occurs around her birthday and is on the lookout for it on TV commercials. We are probably on circus attendance detail until Rylee is at least 10?!

What would a trip to the circus be without a ride on the elephant?

This morning Abbie was invited to a birthday party where one of the things they did at the party was have their faces painted.  Emily was also at the party and then at the circus with her family too.

Rylee wanted her face painted too.  As the woman was using a make-up sponge that I am certain had touched 2000 other faces, I was trying hard not to cringe!  I just reminded myself that I could wash Rylee's face with Clorex wipes at least 4 times before it starts to burn too much! :)

Just waiting for the fun to start!

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