Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Day of Third Grade

Every single year the week before school starts becomes a tense time with tears in our house.  Abbie always reflects on the teacher she had the year before and is just sure that this year's teacher is never going to be as good or isn't as nice.  So far that has never been the case, Abbie goes from loving last year's teacher to loving this year's teacher even more!  This year Abbie has Mrs. Ross as a teacher.  When she did the "jump up day" she really liked Mrs. Ross so I am sure that we will again get a report that she really loved 2nd grade but she really, really loves 3rd grade. 

Abbie and Mrs. Ross

My little cutie on her 1st day of 3rd Grade

Today is Abbie's 4th first day at GF Public Schools and my 27th First day

Abbie and Logan

Dani, Abbie, Norah, and Malia

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