Saturday, January 4, 2014

Neighborhood Fun

I don't think I need to say that I love my job from June to August, but I'll say it anyway!  I LOVE to be able to spend time with the girls, especially since they want to spend time with me on a daily basis.  Between camping, boating, picnics in the park, and backyard play dates--it's hard to choose a favorite activity. 

Who doesn't love a Slip and Slide??

Look at those guns!!

Check out Abbie's muscles--gymnastics is really starting to show.

My kids have never been happier with our neighborhood.  We got new neighbors in March and they have 3 kids:  Tanner (Abbie's age), Madison (Rylee's age), and Wyatt (3).  The kids became fast friends and the summer has been spent going between the 2 backyards and houses.  Abbie and Rylee love it!  I love it because I found someone as anal as myself so her house is always clean and meticulous.  She is also a bit of a Domestic Goddess so I am taking lessons from her on canning pickles, baking muffins, and cooking healthy meals.  Hopefully it will rub off on me!

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