Wednesday, January 1, 2014


According to Rylee, Easter is her 2nd favorite holiday.  It is second only to Christmas.  (Thank goodness for Santa and the Easter Bunny)! At least our Easter Bunny is practical and brings things like clothes and socks.

Rylee with her gifts from the Easter Bunny

The Easter Bunny filled Rylee's basket with all sorts of practical.  She is going to try playing soccer this spring so the Easter Bunny brought her some pretty pink shin guards.  He also brought some shorts and T-shirts since Rylee is growing so fast, a toothbrush, some toys for the shower, and a swimsuit!

The Easter Bunny also brought Abbie practical gifts like clothes, a swimsuit, and a toothbrush.  Abbie also found some fun gifts in her basket too like some games for her DS. 

Daddy, you are supposed to smile for the nice family picture!

There is my beautiful family!

Wait a Jeremy smiling??

Abbie taking off to start filling her basket during the Easter Egg Hunt

This was a big year for Rylee.  It was the first year that she didn't get overwhelmed at the start of the egg hunt and start to cry.  This year she took off just like the others and was serious about filling her basket.  She thinks hunting eggs is so fun because what is better than candy and money?!  She is a girl after my own heart...candy and money--who can go wrong??

I love Abbie's choice for her Easter dress this year...even with the flowers!  It's so bright and fun.  However with the bun and glasses, I think she looks so grown up.  Love you Abs!

Thank you God for giving me these little angels!

Pretty good job coordinating colors for no pre-planning!!

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