Saturday, January 4, 2014

Holter Lake #3

I somehow managed to miss making a post about one of our trips to Holter, but as summer was winding up in the month of August we managed to take our 3rd trip to Holter.  This trip we were equipped for the girls to fish (and Jeremy too).  

We had lots of company which is always fun.  One of the surprise guests were the Fowell family.  Eric and Gretchen and their girls pulled up their camper the same day that we did, so we saw quite a bit of them.  My mom had old friends in town from Louisiana, Bobby and Gail.  They drove up on our second day there and came out on the boat with us.  On our 3rd day, we were joined by the Grove family and they tried out their new camper in a spot right behind us.  It made for a fabulous 4 days and we didn't want to head home, especially since we suspected this might be the last camping trip of the year.

My 3 fisherman tried and tried to catch a fish.  They tried all sorts of spots along the bank and different types of weights and lures, but nothing.  Jeremy says that is why it is called fishing, not catching!

FINALLY, after 3 trips to the lake and several attempts. who is the only person to catch a fish this summer....ABBIE!!

Jeremy continued to perfect his wakeboarding skills...

I figured water like that should not be wasted so I used the skis, not the wakeboard.

Abbie has been jumping off little split rock for a few years now, but I would never let Rylee (even though she really wanted to try it.)  This year I gave in and let both girls jump...I had a hard time getting them back in the boat, even when their teeth were chattering and they were turning blue.

Boys will be Boys

Once the Grove family arrived at the lake, we had everybody at Split Rock.  Some watched, others jumped.  Nice form, Abbie!

Well, I had to get off the rock somehow!!

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