Sunday, January 5, 2014

1st Day of Pre-K

Rylee started school just after Labor day.  This year she is in Mrs. Gossman's afternoon Pre-K class and she is really looking forward to it.  Rylee just loves Mrs. Gossman and loves preschool.  They sing lots of songs and she sure loves to sing.  Each night we do "3 Good Things" before bedtime.  Everybody has to list their 3 things and on days that Rylee has school it always makes her list of good things.  I am so happy that her schooling experience is starting out so positive. 

Rylee's First Day of Pre-K

Rylee absolutely loves dogs.  If I were to speculate on what she will be when she grows up, I would predict it will have something to do with animals.

THANK YOU MRS. GOSSMAN!  Rylee loves school and I know it is all because of you!

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