Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hike to Memorial Falls

We had a pleasant 4th of July where we invited the Grove family and McGraw family over to BBQ with us after we spent the morning at the parade.  While we were at the parade, we ran into the Woods family.  As we were sitting with them and watching the parade, they asked us to join them for a hike at Memorial Falls the following day.  Jeremy had to work, but the girls and I were happy to get out, pack a lunch, and do some hiking.  It was so fun to spend the day with the Woods and Vansickle families!

Back row:  Rylee, Claire, and Emily

Front Row:  Abbie and Taylee

The Whole Clan

Too me, a hike in the woods not only says a way to take in God's beauty, but it also says it's a photo opportunity to capture my beauties!!

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