Friday, January 3, 2014

Spring Fling Champs

Coach Bill asked Abbie and Zoe to play on a Spring Fling Team with Jordan.  Unfortunately due to conflicting schedules and lots of rain during the week. the three girls were never able to practice together so I was a little worried about how it was going to turn out.  I shouldn't have been worried.  The girls played AWESOME!!!  They did some terrific shooting and their defensive was SUPER AGGRESSIVE (At times, I almost felt sorry for the other team)!

Nice defense Abs!

Nice Job Abbie!  Way to get a jump ball!

Not only did the girls play terrific---they WON the whole tournament for their age bracket!  The girls were undefeated for the tournament.

Here is the score for the championship game.  Way to go Lady Rustlers!!

The girls with Coach Bill

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