Saturday, January 4, 2014

Columbia Falls

For two years in a row we took the girls and the Grandmas to Columbia Falls to have a fun mini-vacation.  Last year we didn't head up to the waterslides, so this year we made sure to make it a priority.  One of the fun things we did was take in a few of the sights that we hadn't done before.  One of those was the Hungry Horse Dam (and the yummy ice cream shop in town too!)

Hungry Horse Resevoir

Hungry Horse Dam.  

This was quite a challenge to explain this to the girls.  I found I don't have much knowledge on hydroelectricity.

One of our favorite places to go while in the Flathead Valley is the place with the race cars, bumper boats, mini golf and maze.  We are also the family that does it ALL!!!  Of course we do, I map out our entire vacation itinerary to be assured we fit in as much as possible!

We always start with the bumper boats because they are our favorite, but then wish we would end with them when we are hot and sweaty after mini-golfing and doing the maze.

This was the first year that Rylee was tall enough to ride the go-carts.  Abbie wanted to go with Jeremy, of course, since he was sure to be the fastest.  He was!

Here was my cute driving partner!!  She was disappointed that I didn't go faster.  I kept trying to explain I was going as fast as I could.  She wished she had gone with Dad.

Hold on Grandma!

The maze took us....FOREVER!  I think we could skip that part next year!

On the 3rd day of our mini-vacation, we took in the best part....the waterslides.  I am never sure who has more fun.  Grown-ups?  Kids?  It might be a tie!

Grandma and Abbie

Lunch Break!

Jeremy and Rylee

Another favorite of the trip is lots of Grandma time.  That means coloring, playing games, and doing fingernails.  This year Anita taught us how to play cribbage.  Somehow she always managed to win...hmmm!

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