Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Kicking the Duck

Rylee has started a phase of telling stories.  Some people would call it just flat lying, but I prefer to refer to it differently.

The first story was about Jeremy.  I had asked Jeremy to vacuum the shower fans in the bathrooms.  As I was showering the girls that night I looked up at the fan and said to the girls, "Oh good, Dad vacuumed the fan."  Rylee's response, "Yea, but he fell in the tub."  I asked for some details about his fall and she continued to tell me several little tidbits about how he was wearing socks while he was vacuuming and slipped and fell into the bathtub.  I didn't really think too much about it until I mentioned it to Jeremy later that night on the phone.  I asked him about if he got hurt when he fell into the tub.  "Fell into the tub?" was his response.  I continued to tell him the story and he had no idea what I was talking about.  This was the first story that I was told full of details and a straight face.

The second story was even better than the first.  I got home from work on a Friday afternoon and Rylee had a band-aid on her wrist.  As we were getting ready to head to Abbie's BB game I asked Rylee what happened to her wrist.  Her story started with her and Grandma had gone to Gibson Park.  Yes, I realized it was winter but that day was unseasonably warm and so I figured that was a good way to get outside.  She continued her story by telling me that she got bit by a duck.  "Bit by a duck," I said.  I repeated it because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  Again, maybe I am super naive but have you been to Gibson park?  Some of those ducks and geese are very aggressive!

Now I am defensive that some duck would hurt my baby so my response was, "What did Grandma do?".  Rylee makes eye contact and says, "Kicked the duck."  Way to go Grandma...that will teach those aggressive ducks!

We proceed to go to Abbie's basketball game.  As we were sitting at the game I say to my mom, "I can't believe those ducks at Gibson park."  My mom's response, "What about the ducks?"  This is not my first indication that Rylee may be a handful as she gets older.  Should I be alarmed that at age 4 she is able to tell lies with such great detail and no remorse???

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