Saturday, January 4, 2014

Camp Invention

Abbie really likes science (Yes, I may be helping that, but only a little.  How can someone not love science?).  I had heard rave reviews about a science camp called Camp Invention and so I signed Abbie up for a 5 day camp.  This was a big deal for many reasons.  This was a day camp...all day!  She ate lunch there too.  It was the first time that I had left her anywhere alone (besides school) because of her peanut allergy and it was the first time she really wanted me to go.  Ugh, she doesn't hold my hand anymore and now she is fine with me just dropping her off.  

During the course of the week they built all kinds of things and learned all about recycling, weather, stars, levers, and lots of games too.  Abbie had a good time each day and was excited to share everything she learned each afternoon when I picked her up.  On Friday afternoon they did a showcase of some of their work from the week.  One of the things they had to do was built a duck catapult.  Abbie had a partner and the two of them had to come up with a design and then they built it and tested it out. 

Abbie and her partner, James, and their duck catapult

James testing out their catapult

Abbie built a "constellation maker".  When you shine a light behind it then the constellations (in the appropriate area) will appear on the ceiling.  

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