Thursday, January 2, 2014

Abbie Becomes An Artist

As Abbie and I were sitting at Rylee's dance rehearsal she leans over and whispers to me that her artwork is on display at Paris Gibson Museum today.  I am so taken back that I had a hard time processing. "What?" I ask.  Usually I feel like I am pretty on top of things and something like this wouldn't have escaped my mind and I was racing to figure out how I had forgotten about this.  Abbie apologized for not remembering to tell me about it until that moment.  Abbie didn't really have specific details, but she told me that her friend John also had his artwork chosen and on display.  I text John's mom and found out that they were having an open viewing of new artists work and it also showcased the kids artwork who were chosen.  The viewing only went till 6 and I looked down at my phone and found that we only had 15 minutes to scoop Rylee up, load up in the car, drive across town, and locate her artwork.  It seemed unrealistic and this seemed like a big deal to me.  I wanted to make sure that we saw Abbie's artwork.  We didn't make it to Paris by 6, but luckily there was a sympathetic woman at the desk.  She let the three of us into the building and let us look around until we found Abbie's artwork.  We passed it twice and then finally found it when we slowed down and stopped panicking about finding it. Abbie was so proud of it and it was so fun to watch her be excited about it.

Nice Job Bug!

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