Monday, January 6, 2014

Day Trip to Logging Creek

As the summer was winding down, it didn't look like we were going to be able to fit in another camping trip so we took a day and headed to the mountains.  We packed a lunch and took the 4-wheelers up to Logging Creek.  It was such a nice day for a ride.  The weather wasn't too hot but it was warm enough to be comfortable for a ride up to the fire lookout. 

Abbie shooting with her Dad

Rylee's first time shooting a gun.  Lookout!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

1st Day of Pre-K

Rylee started school just after Labor day.  This year she is in Mrs. Gossman's afternoon Pre-K class and she is really looking forward to it.  Rylee just loves Mrs. Gossman and loves preschool.  They sing lots of songs and she sure loves to sing.  Each night we do "3 Good Things" before bedtime.  Everybody has to list their 3 things and on days that Rylee has school it always makes her list of good things.  I am so happy that her schooling experience is starting out so positive. 

Rylee's First Day of Pre-K

Rylee absolutely loves dogs.  If I were to speculate on what she will be when she grows up, I would predict it will have something to do with animals.

THANK YOU MRS. GOSSMAN!  Rylee loves school and I know it is all because of you!

First Day of Third Grade

Every single year the week before school starts becomes a tense time with tears in our house.  Abbie always reflects on the teacher she had the year before and is just sure that this year's teacher is never going to be as good or isn't as nice.  So far that has never been the case, Abbie goes from loving last year's teacher to loving this year's teacher even more!  This year Abbie has Mrs. Ross as a teacher.  When she did the "jump up day" she really liked Mrs. Ross so I am sure that we will again get a report that she really loved 2nd grade but she really, really loves 3rd grade. 

Abbie and Mrs. Ross

My little cutie on her 1st day of 3rd Grade

Today is Abbie's 4th first day at GF Public Schools and my 27th First day

Abbie and Logan

Dani, Abbie, Norah, and Malia

2nd Grade Teacher

Usually I am on top of the documenting our life events through a photo lens, however at times I slip and forget some important things.  Abbie's 2nd grade teacher was one of my slipping moments. I try to take pictures of her and her teacher on one of the first days of school.   I forgot to take Abbie's picture with Ms. Irwin on the first day of 2nd grade so we took it with her on the 1st day of 3rd grade.  Abbie loved Ms. Irwin and it was during her 2nd grade year that we saw her blossom out of liking school because of art and recess to liking school for reading and math.  I asked Abbie to list 3 things she loves about Ms. Irwin, here were her answers:
1.  I think she is a good teacher.
2.  I thought she was really, really nice.
3.  I liked that she taught us about money and that we did the store on Friday.

THANK YOU MS. IRWIN!  Abbie loved having you as a teacher!

Beartooth Highway

In addition to having a great time at Will and Caitlyn's wedding, we also spent a day seeing the sights.  Looking back it was such a nice weekend.  My mom rode down to Billings with the girls and I on Friday morning.  We shopped in Billings until late afternoon stopping only for a quick lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings.  After a day of shopping (and spending lots of money at my reliable stores--Coldwater Creek and Eddie Bauer) we headed to Redlodge.  We checked into our hotel and then went to the rehearsal dinner in the park where we sat and visited and ate barbequed hamburgers.  The next morning we got up, ate breakfast and then went on a drive with Uncle Fredy up the Beartooth Highway.  We didn't drive all the way to Cooke City, however we turned around just about 10 miles from it.  We stopped at the lookout at the top and fed the chipmunks that eagerly await handouts from tourists.  The drive was beautiful and well worth our time.  After the drive we stopped at the hotel to check on the bridal party and then picked up Oma for lunch and a parade of nations down Main Street in Redlodge.  We even managed to squeeze in a quick swim at our hotel before we started to get ready for the wedding.  What a fun day!!

The girls at the scenic lookout at the top

The girls loved feeding the chipmunks right from their hands

We stopped to take a picture of the girls as we entered into another state.  The girls can check another state off the list of places they have visited.

Will and Caitlyn's Wedding

Nothing is better than time spent with family.  This summer we had an opportunity to spend a couple of weekends with our family for Will and Caitlyn's wedding.  It was so fun to get to know Caitlyn's family and be able to spend time in a relaxed setting.  On the weekend of the bridal shower we went to summer fair, we shopped, and we ate all together.  It was fun to just be able to visit and laugh.  Will and Caitlyn chose to get married in Redlodge at an outdoor location called Wildflower Gardens.  It was beautiful and it made such a nice site for photos!

One of the competitions at Caitlyn's bridal shower was to build a wedding dress out of toilet paper.  Our group won because our model was so darn cute!!

Most of the Faber Clan


What a nice picture of Caitlyn, Will, and Oma (if I do say so myself)!

Wildflower Gardens was such a beautiful place with lots of natural grasses, shrubs, planted perennials, and constructed waterfalls.  I saw it as a perfect opportunity to take some family photos.  Tracy and Greg asked me if I would take some pictures for Lilli and Harry's 50th Wedding Anniversary.  I decided to do a little impromptu session at the wedding location and I was very pleased with the pictures.  Of course I also took several of my girls too!

I even snapped some photos of the siblings...such a good-looking group

Congratulations on your 50th Wedding Anniversary

The backgrounds here were amazing,  but I also think my kids are super cute so they easily make great pictures

Haley does a great job with both of the girls.  She plays with them and entertains them so well.  Haley is a great kid!

Sherry and Beth

Exchanging their wedding vows

The girls and I had such a great time at the wedding.  We are already looking forward to Beth's wedding next summer.