Thursday, April 30, 2009

Rylee's Baptism

The end of March brought Rylee's introduction into her own Christian faith. We are so lucky that each of the girls have such a strong support system in their grandparents and godparents as they grow and develop their own faith and beliefs. Sunday, March 29, 2009 Rylee became a child of God.

Rylee loves baths and having water run over her so her baptism was just another big "bath" to her and she cooed and smiled all through it.

Both Abbie and Rylee are very lucky to have grandparents who are actively involved in helping to guide the girls' religious beliefs.

This picture brings tears to my eyes each time I look at it. I sure wish Grandpa Gary was here to watch my girls grow up and become little people. He would be so proud of them!

Jenny and Dan Woods and Jacie and Brett Schoenen are the godparents for both Abbie and Rylee. Jeremy and I couldn't have picked anyone better to participate in not only the girls' religious guidance but within their life as a whole. Both sets of godparents are so loving and caring toward our girls that each time I watch them interact with them I am reminded how lucky I am to have such great friends.

I couldn't be happier...what a great family I have!

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