Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Christmas 2008

The special girls in my life on Christmas eve. Notice that Abbie and Rylee are wearing matching dresses (all of a sudden those things I vowed I would never do seem to be things I am doing every time I turn around).

Christmas at the Virts' was extra fun this year with the addition of Rylee. We played it pretty low key and spent more time at home over Christmas break which was really nice. Santa brought Abbie a "big girl farm set" because all she could talk about was getting another farm set and giving the one she currently has to Rylee since "it's for babies." It was also our first Christmas in the newly completed basement. It was so warm and cozy to have Christmas and the days after down there where we could start the fireplace and then just sit and play.
Abbie was so excited to see the farm set that she didn't really want to open any other presents
Santa brought Daddy ANOTHER gun. Santa's a real sucker!
Jeremy and I bought Abbie a Barbie guitar that you can play and sing into the microphone as well. It was a hit and she seranaded us often and she composes her own songs to sing as well.
This is the first picture we have of Grandma Nita holding Rylee. She was sick with a cold the day Rylee was born and then spent the next several weeks recuperating before she actually felt better. Christmas was finally her opportunity to get a "baby fix".

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