Thursday, April 30, 2009

Abbie's Dance Recital

We enrolled Abbie in dance class in January after Abbie decided she didn't like gymnastics anymore and have created a dancing monster since then. Abbie loves Monday nights and I enjoy watching her "practice" after we get home. Each Monday they work on their recital piece and each week seemed like there was a piece of information about the upcoming recital. I soon realized this recital was a big deal and something that Miss Denise didn't take lightly. The fittings for the costumes took place in February and the costumes arrived in March. WOW! It was like someone was mocking me. Anyone who knows me knows I would rather dress the girls in anything BUT pink. Abbie's dance recital costume looked like someone threw up PeptoBismal plus about 3 other shades of pink....are you kidding me???!!! I paid money for this pink monstrosity????

Abbie's dance recital was on April 24th and she couldn't have been cuter (even with the pink). The number her class performed was a hit with the audience. Who can resist a group of 3 and 4 year olds????

Showing me her moves after the dress rehearsal....

Their group sang AND danced, "I like what you like....."

Abbie had lots of fans who came to watch her dance and several brought bouquets of flowers.

Abbie with her friend Taylee

Auntie Jacie

Abbie with her Grandmas

Lindsey even came to watch

Jeremy and I were her biggest fans

It didn't matter who her biggest fans were, who brought the best bouquet, who told her the loudest what a great job she did...all she could talk about was Payton and how Payton had come to watch her dance recital. Payton is, according to Abbie, her boyfriend. He is a student at CMR and someone who I saw in the training room during BB season. Payton has little sisters and was nice to Abbie each time he visited the training room, not realizing such a crush was developing. Payton did attend the dance recital, to watch his sisters, but was gracious enough to take some pictures with his "little" girlfriend after the show.

Abbie couldn't have chosen a nicer kid to be her boyfriend!

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