Thursday, April 30, 2009

Abbie's Family Birthday

I can't even believe that Abbie is already 4. Where does time go? The usual plan for Abbie's birthday is to host a dinner at our house followed by cake and ice cream. With a group of 22 or so that is no easy task and this year it was next to impossible. Abbie's birthday was filled with events from singing at church to playing in her first soccer game so we decided it would be best to not try to fit a dinner in there somewhere but head to a restaurant the night before. Abbie's choice was Applebee's since she loves the corn dog with applesauce (she's easy to please)! The whole family met us there to celebrate and Abbie loves that attention, but when they came to sing her "Happy Birthday" she got very embarrassed and wouldn't even look at the singing waiters.

After Applebee's we did head to our house for some ice cream cake. Yummy! "Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday dear Abbie. Happy Birthday to you!"


This year you have grown and blossomed so much! You started the year having conversations with us, but how they have grown and matured throughout the year is such a delight. Talking with you now is like talking to a little person with depth to the conversation. Your vocabulary has expanded tremendously and you ask questions about things and how they work to ease your curiousity. You've started to understand sarcasm (important if you are going to survive in the Virts' family) and you've begun using it yourself. Your manners have improved and you even interupt polietly by saying, "Um, excuse me just a moment." This year you have started to become a little girl who has her own definite opinions. No longer can I pick out your clothes for you, instead you pick them out and put together your own outfits (some more interesting than others). You've learned so much this year and I am so proud of you that you can write several words (Abbie, Rylee, Mom, Dad without any direction from us) and can recognize and write any of the other letters when promoted. You also recognize all numbers 1-10 with the occasional mix up between 2 and 5. Dad and I think you are a genius! As you transitioned between gymnastics and dance I have watched you continue to develop coordination and agility and now we've seen you develop even further as you have started soccer (and a little competative side as well). This year you were still into playing with your dolls (and covering their faces as they sleep), putting together puzzles, music and anything to do with it including dancing and singing (You and I can sing along together to several Brad Paisley songs), and art projects of all kinds! You started Sunday school this year as well and so we have added conversations about God and songs about God into conversations we have and you've even called Him once on your cell phone.

Most importantly you have adjusted so well with the addition of Rylee to the family. You love her so much and are such a tremendous help to us as you help change her diaper, pick out her clothes, feed her a bottle, and babysit for brief episodes. Rylee is so lucky to have you as a big sister.

Abbie, I love you so much and wish that I could put a hold on you growing up. I can't believe it's already been 4 years and I feel like if I blink you will be graduating for high school. I want you to stay my little Pookie for forever. I love you!


Mom helped me serve the cake...what a fantastic mom, grandma, and nanny! I am so lucky that she has volunteered to babysit the girls during the week (and wash my clothes, and cook our dinners, and clean our house)!!!! I love you mom!

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