Sunday, April 19, 2009

Conversation with God

I am so excited to have been introduced to "blogging" as a way to create a scrapbook of sorts to keep and to share with others. A friend showed me her "blog" back in February and it has finally taken me until April to figure out how to do it. Therefore, forgive me as I try to back-post some important events that have happened to us as the new year approached. It is my goal to catch you up on the Virts' family happenings from December 2008-April 2009 during the posts in the month of April (I know you are thinking good luck since it took me 3 months to figure out how to do anything on my blog, how am I ever going to cram 5 months into patient)

This is one of those conversations that you don't want to forget and there isn't really anyplace in Abbie's baby book that calls for her "First conversation with God" so I will share it here instead:

Abbie was very infatuated in cell phones and pretending to take on her own flip cell phone right around Halloween time (2008). She was constantly flipping it open and having all sorts of conversations with people like grandmas, her friends, daddy, or occasionally even me but this time she caught me completely by surprise. She flipped open her phone, "Hi God. How's it going?" After a slight pause she says, "Oh, your busy?! Talk to you later then" and flips the phone closed. Wow--it was a good reminder to me about my own faith and how easily it comes if you just let it!


  1. Love the blog. keep the pics coming. all little girls should know how to weld, right. I'm coming out when? Jack

  2. I love the pictures and the stories. What a great keepsake! I'll make sure to keep coming back to check on it. L. Tracy
