Wednesday, April 22, 2009

January 2009

The month of January brought not only a new year but a new Virts' family tradition. We decided that the girls were going to grow up before we knew it and we were going to wonder where the heck the time went...Oh, yea-we were working! So Sundays were declared "Family Day". Family day meant that we did something more than just exist in the same house but an activity that involved all of us that was fun. Something more exciting than cleaning, working, or welding. The first family day in Virts history was a trip to Hughesville, the prettiest place Abbie has ever seen (or so she says). We took the 4-wheeler and spent the day riding the 4-wheeler in the snow and sledding. After a few hours in the snow we headed to Cub's den for hot chocolate and tater tots.

Sledding with Daddy

Sledding with me is more dangerous. It was this particular time down the hill that I put my foot out and accidentally sent us in the direction of a stump. Thank goodness we had slowed down considerably by the time we hit it, but Abbie still ate some snow. Maybe she should just go with dad.

Rylee woke up long enough to take a few pictures.

Took some time out to wrestle in the snow too

January brought some firsts for Rylee. January 1, 2009 Rylee turned 1 month old! Holy cow time flies!!!!

January 3, 2009 was Rylee's first big girl bath. She is just like Abbie and LOVES bathtime.

Rylee also shared a first with Abbie. January 21, 2009 was the first time Abbie fed Rylee!

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