Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome Rylee!

The most important event that occurred in 2008 happened on December 4, 2008. I had set my alarm for early that morning (just before 5 am) hoping to get into school by 6 am or so. I had big plans that I was going to work on getting things ready for a sub as the end of pregnancy was approaching and I had been so busy worrying about getting everything ready at home for Christmas with presents to buy and wrap, decorating, finishing my masters degree, etc that I had put sub plans off completely. I had just been to see Dr. Key the day before and he said that I would be in the next week, he was certain! Thank goodness was what I thought as I left Dr. Key's that afternoon. I was set to present my counseling portfolio on Friday, December 5th at noon and then my masters degree would be DONE!!! Ya Hoo! After the 5th I knew it was smooth sailing and Rylee Renate Virts could come anytime.....she had different plans.

I stepped out of bed on the morning of Dec. 4, 2008 after the alarm went off and knew that my water had broke, but instead I went through some whole denial phase and just kept getting ready for work. I took a shower, got dressed, put on makeup, did my hair...the whole deal. The more I did, the more I knew I was going to need to go to the hospital instead of work that morning. I then decided to pack my bag for the hospital and Abbie's bag for her stay at Grandma's. I called the hospital and they affirmed that I should indeed come in. I folded some laundry and ate a piece of pizza and by now it was about 6:30 so I decided to involve Jeremy in the morning happenings. I went down to wake Jeremy. I shook him a little and said, "We probably need to go to the hospital." He said, "For what?" Men!! I clued him on what had happened and he gave me hope that I could leak amniotic fluid for awhile and maybe I could go to work for awhile and still present my portfolio the next day. I called Dr. Key at home and explained the situation. Our conversation sounded something like this:
Dr. Key: "Christi, you need to go the hospital."
Me: "But.."
Dr. Key: Interrupted me with "Christi, the hospial"
Me: "But..." again I was interrupted with his calm voice
Dr. Key: "Christi if you get to the hospital we could show the masters committee your portfolio AND a new baby."
Oh, all right! We left for the hosptial just after 7 am and Rylee Renate Virts arrived at 2:07 pm. Seeing her and how beautiful she was made me completely forget that she showed up 2 weeks ahead of schedule! Now I was so happy that she was here and realized how blessed we were to have been given two beautiful, perfect little girls!

Rylee arrived a healthy girl weighing 6lbs. 14 oz and 21" long. She had barely made her introduction into the world when her daddy went to go get Abbie from the waiting room to show her her brand new little sister. Abbie was so excited and just couldn't seem to get enough of her! Thank Goodness!

Abbie's first look at her new baby sister

After bringing Abbie in for some alone time with her new sister Jeremy headed out to the waiting room to collect the rest of the anxious troop. (Grandma Nate, Grandma Nita, and Grandpa Jerry)
Grandma Nate's the proud grandma of girl#2
Hi Grandpa Jerry!
Rylee wasn't a big fan of her first bath
Oma's great-grandchild #4
Abbie was so proud of Rylee and she wanted to hold her nearly the whole time she was with her in the hospital. Abbie's pink shirt was a present from Auntie Jacie reading "I'm the big sister." She wore the shirt with pride and was willing to tell anyone who would listen that she has a new sister and her name was "Rylee." What a big jump from constantly hearing her to refer to Rylee as the "Baby Human."
Me and my girls
Daddy is sure proud of another little girl

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