Thursday, April 30, 2009

Abbie's Friend Birthday

Jeremy decided months ago that we should rent a giant jumping "house" for Abbie and her friends for her birthday. He organized the rental, the set-up, the clean-up---it was great! It left little for me to worry about and it was a great way to keep the kids entertained! I bet it made some of the neighbors jealous too....

Don't think that just the kids enjoyed it--there were a few adults (even Grandma Nate) who got in and did their fair share of jumping and sliding.

The weather cooperated...sort of. At least it wasn't snowing like the week before (grrr..April in Montana) but the wind made it chilly. When the girls got cold they would come inside and practice, then perform, a song and dance that they wrote and choreographed. They were SO cute!!!

The performance wasn't complete with out some princess and fairy costumes.

Ah, Taylee--Thanks for coming!

Let's eat some cake!

Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me!

Norah, Taylee and Abbie

Here is the whole birthday group: Taylee, Abbie, Norah and Claire

There isn't much that gets Rylee excited. Here is how Rylee took the whole birthday party in.....

1 comment:

  1. Those are some really good pictures of you jumping with the kids. Must be a great photographer.
