Monday, April 27, 2009

February 2009

The first Sunday of February our family day was another sledding trip to Hughesville. This time we went further down the road and used a large open field for sledding. This huge field had NO trees for me to run us into and the hill was a nice gradual, don't go very fast hill and Abbie and I loved it. We would sled down the hill, come to a stop, then Jeremy would pull us back up on the 4-wheeler and we would do it all over. Last month's sledding was fun but this was, according to Abbie, "so much fun."

Rylee slept in the truck again, but got out to catch some fresh air too.

It was such a beautiful day with no wind that we took advantage of playing in the snow and enjoyed the time outside for more than 2 hours.

February 5, 2008 Jeremy was recognized for his countless hours and dedication to prehospital care. He was given the "Star of Life" award in Helena presented by Lt. Governor, John Bollinger. Jeremy, of course, modestly accepted and mentioned all the others that work within the same field. Those who know Jeremy know how passionate, caring, and dedicated he is to not only the patients he comes in contact with, but also to improving prehospital care in Great Falls and the surrounding areas. I can tell you there are countless nights he is preparing training or conducting training for the local ambulance, Belt ambulance, or GFFR. I am so proud of him and how hard he works. What a great role model for my girls!!!!

February also brought an opportunity for Abbie to spread her wings and explore some other things in life. I signed her up to participate in the drill team camp put on by both the GFH and CMR drill teams. She had the best time at this camp. The practiced and played games on Saturday morning (February 7, 2009) and then performed during the half time of the crosstown boys basketball game on February 10th. I was worried that the crosstown game would be overwhelming with the amount of people in the crowd.....not for my little performer!!

Those two cuties have got the moves!!!

I know that pom-poms were involved, but it was still a DANCE camp!

I had to work at a basketball game on Valentine's Day but Jeremy sent me this adorable picture of the girls during the day as my Valentine.

Rylee turned 2 months old in the month of February! She is getting to be such a HAPPY, SMILEY baby!

February brought a first for Abbie. Jeremy felt like she needed a pair of welding overalls to wear while she was in the garage helping him weld and work on things. The two of them headed to Big R and came back with Abbie's first Carhart coveralls.

Definitely Daddy's girl!

I signed Abbie up for another camp this month too. This went much differently than the dance camp earlier in the month, not to mention went against everything I said I wasn't going to have her do. She participated in the CMR cheerleading camp on February 28, 2009. They were supposed to practice and learn the cheers in the morning and then perform at half time of the BB game later that afternoon. The morning teaching was chaotic and unorganized and Abbie learned nothing. I worked the basketball game that day but due to the organization of the camp I had my mom go with Abbie to the cafeteria were they practiced for the last time and waited until their half time performance. My mom mentioned the chaos didn't stop and something about jumping off of tables..... I should have followed my gut-Abbie, not cheerleading!!!

I would have included more pictures, but this is all Abbie did during the performance since she wasn't really taught much.

The Schoenen's accompanied us on one of our Sunday, Family Day adventures and we headed to the bowling alley for some competitive bowling action. Abbie beat everybody but Jeremy....Yes, we all got to use the bumpers, not just Abbie. Does that tell you the level of competition you're dealing with?

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