Tuesday, April 21, 2009

December 2008

The rest of December between Rylee's birth and Christmas absolutely flew by (could have been the lack of sleep) but we truely enjoyed getting used to the new addition to our family. We left the hospital on Friday, December 5th and by Sunday, December 7th I wanted to get a picture of the girls together so I could make it into our Christmas card and get those mailed out. Jeremy of course thought I had lost my mind, but both girls actually posed quite nicely for the 50 or so pictures that I ended up taking that day. Jeremy whispered something to Rylee about getting used to this...we take a lot of pictures in this family.

Rylee 3 days old

Abbie continues with all the loves possible for her baby sister

Rylee's first big outing to see Dr. Hinz for her 2 week check-up (she had made a few visits with me to CMR to work on some planning for the sub but this was her first big outing where other people were going to see her....or expose her to their germs was more what I was thinking)

Auntie Jacie came over when Rylee was 19 days old to take some pictures.
Abbie finished up gymnastics in December. Abbie started gymnastics 2 years before in August of 2006 and loved it from the beginning. She really progressed well and we really noticed how much it improved her agility and hand/eye coordination up until August of 2008. In August she started in a class with a new teacher who didn't work really hard pushing them or correcting the kids when they didn't do things correctly. This new teacher was also a boy and Abbie had a really hard time with that. She started to say she didn't want to go to gymnastics anymore and soon it became a fight to get her there on Wednesday nights. Obviously this wasn't what we wanted so we told her that she didn't have to go anymore once Rylee arrived and we could switch to dance, if she wanted. She had been hiding in my bedroom closet doing some practice dances in front of the full length mirror and then would come out and show me what she had choreographed herself so I figured dance might be a better fit for her at this point. I would like her to try gymnastics again with a different instructor just so she doesn't leave with a bad taste, but we will see if that fits into her schedule again.
When Abbie started gymnastics she like the bars the least, by the time we stopped going it was probably the thing she did the best.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! What a great blog! I'm glad we have a way to stay up-dated since we go months without seeing or talking to each other!
