Family day on Sundays has basically turned into Soccer Day since the beginning of April. So, other than Easter, we have spent each Sunday from early April to mid May headed out to Siebel Soccer Fields to watch Abbie indulge in this new sport that I vowed she would NEVER participate in. As I watch soccer for my job, I despise every minute but it could be because I don't really understand it. I don't see any type of "play" happening so it seems boring to watch, not to mention it is usually freezing cold and the wind is blowing 400 mph when I sit out there. I did give in and sign Abbie up for soccer so she could begin to learn the basics of team sports...I still hope that her soccer career is short-lived though.
I didn't take any pictures the first game because I was so busy videotaping instead. The first game was priceless. Abbie stood and twisted her hair while she watched the ball being kicked by 2 girls from the other team. I am sure the score when it was all said and done was 15-0 but absolutely hilarious to watch. If, and when, Abbie's team decided to kick the ball they would kick it and then stand still to allow someone else to "take their turn" regardless of what team they were on. They were practicing everything they had been taught about being polite and sharing. Now they are being told to "Keep kicking", "Get in front of her", and my favorite from my husband "Abbie, just push them out of the way!" No wonder she was confused! By the second game she understood more of the concept of soccer and did SO MUCH BETTER! She still did a little hair twirling but definitely less standing.
Pretty good ball handing for 2nd game
You want me to do what????
Team Huddle--Jordan, Norah, Abbie, Emily, and Ruby
Rylee and Grandma Nate wouldn't miss taking in a soccer game either