Saturday, October 16, 2010

State Fair

I love taking the girls to the fair. There are so many things that they love so watching their faces while they look at the animals, ride the rides, or try some cheese curds just warms my heart and makes being a parent totally worth it.

We started this year's day at the fair with the petting zoo. Rylee would have stayed there all day..she wanted to touch EVERYTHING!

Ah, look at that! What is it??

From the petting zoo we headed to the bouncy houses. Abbie does a great job staying right with Rylee so that none of the other kids hurt her. She also waited for her to help her down the slide each time. We are blessed that Abbie is so kind to Rylee.

From the bouncy house we took a trip down the midway for a flying burger, corn dog, viking, pizza, and cheese fries...gotta love fair food! And then it was off to the rides! Remember Jeremy doesn't really like rides so I bought a wrist band and took the girls.

Um, is there a weight limit on this ride?

Look at Rylee's face!! This ride looks innocent but at the one corner the car whips around to head off into the other direction. Rylee loved it...faster, faster!

The slide has always been one of Abbie's favorites. She enjoys it so much we went down it probably 5 or 6 times, each time Rylee and I tried to race her down but I think there was too much weight slowing Rylee and I down!

This year Abbie talked Jeremy into letting her go on the sling shot bouncy jumper. She loved it and even ended up doing a flip right as her time was ending.

I filmed both girls jumping. I didn't realize I was filming it sideways but it's still fun to watch them and listen to them laugh.

Rylee, of course, wants to do everything her big sister does so next it was her turn on the jumper.

Remember I do not like the Ferris Wheel so the grandmas agreed to take the girls on the smaller Ferris Wheel while Jeremy agreed to take them on the great big Ferris Wheel. I don't have any pictures of the big Ferris Wheel because Rylee had climbed up so far on the door to be able to look down at us and wave that I thought for sure she was going to fall out. Instead of taking pictures I removed my stomach from my throat.

Grandma Nate and Abbie

Grandma Nita and Rylee

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