Saturday, October 16, 2010

Professional Photographer---Take 2!

I was so happy with the pictures from Morony Dam that I decided to take the girls out again during the same week and try again. It was much too light out so I didn't like all of the shadows, but I still think the girls themselves are cute. Abbie now picks her own poses..I enjoy letting her pick everything since I am just happy that she is willing to let me take some photos and I like to see her personality come out in the poses she chooses.

This looks like a senior portrait pose...5 going on 15!

This one is my favorite of the day!

Rylee's poses are more of a challenge since she doesn't really like sitting still or looking at the camera, or basically doesn't like pictures in general!

Way to sunny for pictures but I do like Rylee's somewhat mischievous look.

This is my favorite of Rylee for the day. She looks like she is about to explode with giggles.

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