Sunday, October 17, 2010

Abbie's First Campout---Almost

I had had this idea this summer that we should camp outside where Abbie got to see what sleeping in a tent was like while having her first sleepover. I figured the girls were too young to have a sleepover by themselves, but if the moms came too then hopefully it would be enjoyable for everyone. I proposed the idea to Melissa but the summer came to a close and I still hadn't acted on this idea of mine. Thankfully, she took the idea and ran with it. September 11th we attempted Abbie's first sleepover and camp out at the Allen's. We spent the day packing all the possible necessities we would need to head to the yard 1/2 a block away. Abbie had been running a fever the day before but other then seeming tired she seemed good to go for the sleepover. We headed over to the Allen's after dinner and started setting up the tent....

The girls all took turns pounding in the stakes and had a great time putting up the tent.

Ah, now doesn't this look great......

We rolled out the sleeping bags and blankets and were getting ready to roast some marshmallows when Abbie started to cry uncontrollably complaining of an earache. I gave her some Tylenol hoping that would work. It worked just a little but there were still tears and pain. With Carrie's connections I was able to get a prescription so Rylee and I (did I mention I had both girls at this campout) headed to Walgreens at 9:30 for an antibiotic. I gave Abbie her antibiotic and we tried to climb into the tent and go to sleep. I had put Abbie next to me in the tent so she was unhappy about that and so there were still lots of tears in the tent. I assumed the tears were because she had to sleep by me instead of her friends and I threatened that we would go home if she didn't quit crying. By 11:30 I had had it so I packed up both girls and we headed home. The campout was over. I don't get mother of the year for certain because the tears were because her ear, she probably could've cared less where she slept that night. I finally got Abbie to sleep after 2 am, a heating pad on her ear, and a second dose of antibiotic. I felt horrible about the campout and how devastated she was that she had to miss it and that I totally blew off her ear pain. Nice parenting!!

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