Sunday, October 17, 2010

Rylee's Taking Gymnastics

As of September the only organized activity I have put Rylee in was one month of swimming lessons this summer. The swimming lessons were trying on me. Rylee is VERY used to getting her own way so if she wanted to jump off the side of the pool rather than practicing floating on her back she would scream until she got her way. As an adult this is humiliating in front of other parents and there was one swimming lesson where I was certain that we wouldn't be back. Since teaching my kids to be quitters wasn't really the motto I was striving for, I decided to head back the next Thursday and try it again. It got a little better over the course of the month of swimming when she finally realized that we were going to do what we were supposed to do rather than just what Rylee wanted to do (which again was jump off the side of the pool by herself...she has NO fear). It was during swimming however, that I decided I was going to need to sign Rylee up for something else that helps her to understand we need to follow directions, wait our turn, have respect for others, and so on. I decided gymnastics really helped Abbie at that age, so I signed Rylee up to start parent participation gymnastics on September 1, 2o1o.

We'll see how it goes...the first night she liked jumping into the pit and running down the floor and then turning around and running back to me. She wasn't much for waiting her turn, or doing what the teacher asked her to do.

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