Sunday, October 17, 2010

1st day of School

August 25, 2010...........My baby isn't a baby anymore! I cannot believe my first born child is old enough to be going to kindergarten. Wasn't it just yesterday that I was walking back and forth every evening trying to comfort the colicky infant? Wasn't it yesterday that I was sleeping next to her on the couch staring at her to make sure she was still breathing? Wasn't it just yesterday that I was shoveling in baby food peas as fast as I could? As much as I loved those stages in Abbie's life I love the little friend that she has become...she is so fun to talk to and laugh with. I hope she loves school and that it will come easy for her. I worry about her because she is so tenderhearted and such a people pleaser.

Abbie is in Miss Thunstrom's class, a teacher I have heard nothing but good things about. She has been very excited about going to school and each time we pass her school she yells out that now that will be "her school." We read a book about kindergarten and after we were finished I asked if she was nervous or scared about anything, "Nope, I'll be OK" was her reply. I think it helps that her two buddies, Jenna and Norah, are also in the same class.

Our first day of school in 2010 (this is Abbie's 1st day and my 29th)

Jeremy and I took Abbie to school and were expecting that she was going to look back at least once at us with a look of worry or concern. Nope....not once. She found her friends and we (me) had to yell at her to get her attention to say good-bye and tell her to have a good day. That is exactly how I wanted it...just hard to realize that me baby is growing up so quickly. Surprisingly I had just a few tears as she walked into the building....instead I was so happy she was so excited and already had such great friends.

Norah and Abbie

Jenna, Norah, and Abbie

Norah, Abbie, Jasmyn, and Emily

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