Saturday, October 16, 2010

Camping at Hoover Creek

Our last camping trip of the year was in mid August at Hoover Creek. Although we have spent a lot of time traveling in the camper this summer, little of that has been spent camping in the mountains. For some reason I associated camping with the mountain setting and so it hasn't really felt to me like we camped this summer, so I enjoyed this trip so much. When we are in the mountains we relax and spend so much time playing and watching the girls play that I hate to go back to the distractions of TV, computers, cell phones, and selfishly...other people.

Abbie taught Rylee how to make some of the famous "soups" we have made here at Hoover creek in the past. This time is was "Mermaid Stew". Yummy!

Rylee is trying a little of the "soup" out on her swimsuit. Who knows with the mud, twigs, and berries it may be good for the skin.

Jeremy made us some beautiful princess headbands.

The headbands made Jeremy look prince-like too!

Rylee still isn't saying many words, however she is developing quite a personality. She loves to do everything that Abbie does. Apparently she likes to do everything Sissy does too because on this trip we would throw the ball, and Rylee would go "fetch it"....
and bring it back.

This camping trip to Hoover Creek brought a lot of firsts for Abbie. Jeremy taught her how to shoot a gun this trip. She had a large mountain to shoot at and so she and Jeremy made some targets and spent about an hour having a target practice. Who needs boys??

Jeremy also taught Abbie to drive the 4-wheeler by herself this weekend. She had no fear at all. In fact she would start from a standstill and floor it to go as fast as possible. She also wasn't afraid to climb any and all hills. She was willing to go up hills that I wasn't even willing to try.

During one of our family 4-wheeler rides, Rylee fell asleep. We were used to Abbie falling asleep at Rylee's age on every ride, but Rylee fiddles and fidgits and looks around the whole ride so falling asleep was unusual. When she fell asleep she fell asleep hard so we had a little fun with her....

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