Sunday, October 17, 2010

Billings Marathon

When you read the title of this entry I hope you didn't think I would ever consider running a marathon of any kind. I do enjoy running my 3o minutes a day with my friends but more than a 10K and my attention span seems to be too short. I headed down to the Billings marathon as a cheerleader instead. Melissa and I took Taylee and Abbie and had a fun girls weekend where we ate at Chuckie Cheese, swam in the pool, and cheered Melissa on as she completed the marathon.

What a pair of cuties!

The bubbles in the hot tub were a lot of fun to play with.

Taylee and Abbie even met another little girl their same age while we played in the pool (while I was relaxing in the hot tub and watching the girls play Melissa had been running 7 miles)

While we waited for Melissa to circle into the last lap in the stadium, the girls showed me how fast they could run too...

I would not look like this after running 13 miles......HOORAY for Melissa!! She is amazing in my world.

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