Monday, January 21, 2013


To finish off the "Christmas To-Do List" and as a great way to end the Christmas break we took the girls sledding up at Hughesville.  I had many great days over Christmas, but this one makes the top of the list.  We had a leisure morning, then headed up to the mountains for warm weather and sledding.  We had lunch around a campfire, ate snacks and hot cocoa at the Cub's Den, and then dropped the girls off at Grandma Nate's for a sleepover.  I am not sure which part of the day was the favorite of the girls.

Hot Dogs, Cool Ranch Doritos, and Oreos.  Yummy!!

Abbie fell in love with this hill that is gradual and even includes a corner!

Here she comes around the corner, and look at how good she can steer!

With both girls on the sled I needed to give them a little push.

My little cuties!!
Even after a little wreck on the hill, both girls still had a smile on their face!

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