Monday, January 21, 2013

Rylee's Birthday

Rylee's real birthday fell during the middle of the week so we tried to still make it a fun day even though we all had to go to work or school.  Rylee requested homemade chocolate chip pancakes for her breakfast.  She also took chocolate cupcakes for a snack at preschool.  After school, work, and swimming lessons, Rylee chose Fuddruckers for dinner.  Nothing better than chicken strips and a chocolate shake for dinner.

Mommy and Daddy gave Rylee a Leap Pad.  She plays so much with Abbie's DS that we thought she should have her own.  So far she loves to play with it!

Again Abbie reads Rylee's card to her.  Each time Rylee waits patiently until Abbie finishes.


The last year has been such a pleasure to be your mom.  You have developed such a witty, funny personality and are always keeping us on our toes.  It is not uncommon for you to hide from all of us as we get home or wait lurking in the dark when you know someone is heading toward the blackened room, only to be startled by your "Surprise."  You love to make people laugh and so you are always quite the entertainer.  Sometime you surprise us though.  You aren't afraid to answer the phone say hello and then ask, "What's the problem?" or at any drive-thru or time that I roll down my window ask, "What's your name?".  However, when you come to my classroom you don't like all the students so you would rather stay in the car when dad comes up to drop something off.  Sometime you like the attention and other times you would prefer to hide.

You started preschool this year and honestly I was worried about how you would like it.  Instead you really like it and are proud to show us your work each Tuesday or Thursday.  You have only been going to school since September and yet you already identify the numbers up to twenty and all the letters in the alphabet--we are currently working on the sounds of the letters. Your attention span on craft or coloring projects is getting longer so now you like to sit with Abbie and do a craft (just one and then you will have had enough).  Reading books is also something you like to sit through now.  Nighttime you pick one out and now enjoy cuddling while we read it.  You love to play with babies or dollies or you love to play house or teacher with Abbie.  While you and Abbie occasionally fight, you always want to know if Abbie has to go to school or when she will be coming home from school.  The two of you always watch out for each other and seem to be the best of friends.

This year you did swimming and dance and seemed to like both.  You are still a daredevil in the pool and love to jump in and dunk your head so swimming lessons were an easy choice.  We started you in gymnastics this year but you didn't like having all boys in your class and then when the teacher also became a boy, you wanted out!  We put you into tap dance with Miss Denise and you like to show us your dance recital piece each week. 

Rylee, you are definitely the one on the go and the one that currently keeps us on our toes but we love it that way.  Thanks for another great year.  I love you so so much!


Rylee's Answers at the age of 4:
Favorite Color:  Pink, Purple, and Green

Favorite Toy:  Leap Frog

Favorite Food:  Ice cream and Steak

Favorite Drink:  Chocolate Milk

Favorite Restaurant: McDonalds

Favorite Movie:  Weeble Woobles

Favorite Book:  Elmo

Favorite Thing to Play: Doc McStuffins

Want to be when grow up:  Engineer

Best Friend:  Abbie

Favorite Thing to Do with Mom:  Play games and cuddle watching a movie

Favorite Thing to Do with Dad:  Wrestle

Favorite Thing to Do with Abbie:  Play house

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