Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rylee's Friend Birthday

Rylee is turning 4!  On one hand it is so hard to believe, but on the other hand it is so exciting to watch her grow up and become her own little person.  She chose to invite a few old friends and a few new friends from preschool. My rule is the same number of kids as years-old so she had Madison M., Ella C., Kane M. and Malia A.  She chose rollerskating for the second year in a row.   A few of the kids had never been, so it was lots of fun to watch them go round and round together.
Kane put on the roller skates, went around 1/4 of a lap, and told Jeremy, "These shoes are too slippery."  He opted for just his regular tennis shoes.

Abbie is getting to be a much better skater...she even does the limbo.
Kane was showing Rylee, Ella, and Madison his dance moves.

"Happy Birthday dear Rylee.  Happy Birthday to you."

Blowing out the candles on the Hello Kitty cake.

My baby girl is 4!!

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