Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas Day

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were extra special in our immediate family as well because Jeremy didn't have to work either day.  It was so nice to have him around for everything and be a part in the traditions of putting out the cookies and milk, feeding the reindeer, turning on the Christmas tree lights, and reading The Night Before Christmas before tucking the girls in tightly in their beds.  Before the girls woke up I snuck downstairs to see what Santa had left...

Santa brought Rylee a Doc McStuffins Doll.  Doc is a special vet that takes care of stuffed toys and animals.  She comes with a catchy tune too. "It's time for your check up, time for your check up.  Check your ears, check your eyes, find out how much you've grown..."
Santa brought Abbie a Doctor Mommy Doll.  The doll gets sick and Abbie, as her Mommy, has to make her feel better.
Abbie asked Mommy and Daddy for a Nook and an iPod to listen to music.  It wasn't the same as what Santa brought, but still nerdy.  Do you think Santa was trying to send a message to the girls by bringing both Doctor Dolls???  I missed taking a picture of Rylee's gifts but Jeremy and I bought Rylee a Princess Castle (much like a doll house) for all the Disney Princesses. 

The girls always open Grandma Nate's gifts on Christmas morning too.  Grandmas got each of them chairs for doing their doll's hair and jewelry boxes.  Rylee got a set of wedding Barbies and a Princess Carriage.  Abbie got lots of clothes from Justice and a gift certificate from Barnes and Noble.
We hosted Grandma and Grandpa Murphy for brunch on Christmas morning.  Rylee got a gymnastic Barbie, a cute set of pajamas, and an outfit.  Abbie got a pearl necklace, 2 gift cards, pajamas, and a cute outfit.

Even Sissy posed in the picture with Grandma and Grandpa.
Rylee likes to play gymnastics on Grandma's walker. Again, the daredevil!!
Rylee and Sissy are fast asleep by 7 pm on Christmas Day.  What a busy day!!

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