Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas with the Virts

We celebrated Christmas with Jeremy's family on the 27th of December.  We had hoped to spend a long day out in Belt sledding, relaxing, and spending time together.  Mother Nature and I changed the plans a bit.  There wasn't enough snow for sledding and I ripped a hole in my cornea (turns out that is pretty painful and sensitive and I wouldn't recommend it).  I was able to get into the eye doctor in the morning and unfortunately, the injury dampened my festive spirit for the day.  We arrived in Belt in time for a delicious breakfast of sausage, eggs, and muffins.  Second, we opened gifts.  Then the girls played with their toys.  By then Jeremy, who had just worked a 27 hour shift in Cut Bank, was exhausted and my eye was really bothering me. So, we left the girls in Belt for a few more hours with Grandma Nita and their cousins.  The girls came home in great spirits and really enjoyed their time in Belt.
Auntie Rosie bought Abbie the Twister Dance Game she wanted.

Auntie Rosie bought Rylee a closet full of Barbie accessories!!

It looks like Rylee zoned out for a bit!

Silly Girls!!

All of the girls settled down around the table to paint their fingernails or Grandma Nita's fingernails.

Aren't the Virts girls super cute??

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