Monday, January 21, 2013

Romantic Anniversary Trip

To celebrate our 10 year anniversary, Jeremy and I decided to take a romantic anniversary trip to....Chuck E. Cheese!!!  What says romance more than a restaurant with lots of screaming kids and cardboard pizza??!  Honestly, as we talked about what to do to celebrate our anniversary we both wanted to do something fun with the girls.  Busy schedules and busy lives doesn't seem to allow a lot of time to focus on just them.  With that in mind we took a trip to Billings where we stayed at the Bighorn Wilderness Resort which houses a waterpark called The Reef. We arrived on a Friday night just before dinner and the girls couldn't wait to hit the waterpark.  The waterpark has several slides for younger kids, a pool with 2 basketball hoops, a wave pool, 2 indoor waterslides several stories up, and a lily pad obstacle course pool.  It was hard to decide what to do first.  Rylee loved the 3 little kid slides and we must have gone down each one at least a thousand times.  Abbie liked the lily pad crossing but dared to go down the big slide twice.  She went once with Jeremy and once with me and that was enough.  Rylee, on the other had, couldn't understand why she couldn't go down the dark slide riding in an intertube...that sounded fantastic to her!  We were all having so much fun that Friday night we ate from the concession stand in the waterpark and then crashed hard in bed after it closed.

Saturday morning it was back to the waterpark, but this time we played a lot of family basketball.  Each girl wanted to be on Daddy's team but had to occasionally trade and get Mommy, the one who isn't very good, as Abbie pointed out.   We also went on Rylee's waterslides another four hundred times or so too.  By lunch time we decided to get out of the hotel and the water for awhile.  Olive Garden was my choice for lunch and the girls decided that the breadsticks were delicious and Rylee liked the salad too.  We just shopped around Billings for the afternoon, went back to the hotel for a quick nap, and then headed to dinner at Red Robin (Abbie's choice) with the rest of the family.  The girls love to sit with Beth and Trey and I enjoyed the visit with Manfred, Joel, Kama, and Bentley was an entertainer too.

By Sunday we were ready for a quick dip in the hot tub then off to Chuck E. Cheese for a few hours of games and tickets!  I love time to just play with the girls with no other commitment or things to do. These ten years have passed so quickly and I have enjoyed every minute of it...I can hardly wait to see what the next ten will bring.  

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