Monday, January 21, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a special time this year for our family as we haven't all been together for several years.  This year all of us were together on Christmas Eve.  It made for a full house, but it was lots of fun to have so many kids there with so much excitement.
Oma and her Great Grandchildren

Beth, Oma, and Will
Oma and her Grandchildren

Thank you Uncle Fredy!
Uncle Manfred bought Abbie a math game for Christmas...she is going to love that nerdy toy!!

Tante Lilli bought Dream Lites this year.  Rylee loves her unicorn...
and Abbie loves her zebra!!

Both girls got new doll clothes for their American Girl Dolls from Oma.
Uncle Manfred bought Rylee a Dora Cash Register.  That will be hours of fun!
Thank you Tante Lilli!!
And of course we love Grandma Nate!!

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