Saturday, July 25, 2009

Camping at Holter

The fourth camping trip of 2009 was July 22-24th at Holter. We decided it was finally time that we took the boat out and enjoyed some time in the water. Holter is always such a busy camping spot, but we found this middle of the week trip to be just perfect. There were enough people around to engage in conversations with and find a playmate for Abbie, but not too many that it was cramped.

We spent very little time at the camper other than to sleep or eat (and we all know that I did plenty of that). We spent all of our time down at the "beach" or out on the lake in the boat. It was such a relaxing enjoyable time with the girls! So many memorable moments.....

Rylee took in a lot of the activities herself. She LOVED splashing in the lake. In fact, as we sat on the back of the boat we had to keep a firm hold of her since she kept trying to get more and more of herself in the water.

"I am swimming by myself!!"

Hollywood---Look out!!

Jeremy decided this was the trip that he would teach Abbie how to fish. She has been asking for this since the beginning of summer, so I picked up the Barbie fishing pool during the Walmart trip and Jeremy picked up the big red and white bobber during his pre-camping shopping trip to Big R. He didn't buy hooks because he was certain that Abbie would spend this trip just starting with the basics and that would be enough to appease her for this trip. Boy did she show him!

Here are is the beginning....

Once we docked the boat for that day, Rylee and I went up to start dinner and Abbie and dad spent a little longer down at the docks working on casting. Jeremy said he showed her one more time and then went about getting the boat ready for the night. The next time he looked over she had definitely figured out casting..not only was she casting out as far as Jeremy could with the Barbie fishing pool, but she had accrued an audience of 10 or so that stopped to watch her.

Since she was now an expert fishermen she decided she should teach me...

We even started Rylee out on the basics

Grandma Nate and Grandma Nita came up and spent one whole day with us. It was so nice for them to drive up and we sure enjoyed having them!!

Some time was even spent solving the world's problems...

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