Sunday, July 5, 2009

2nd Camping Trip of the Season

We headed out camping again the very next weekend in June. We left on Friday the 12th and stayed until Sunday the 14th. This was a different camping experience than we have ever experienced before...we did it by ourselves!!! We always camp with other families and this weekend we decided to head up just by ourselves. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the trips with the other families but I do enjoy our time together as a family as well. This trip ended up being a perfect balance.

We left town Friday morning just after 8 and so had camp set up before 11. We cooked lunch, hiked around a bit, threw rocks in the creek (one of Abbie's favorites), played some games, and then it was time to cook s'mores all ready! Saturday we got up and Jeremy made his famous big camping breakfasts and by the time we had the dishes cleaned up we had company for the day. Anita and Jerry drove up for the day and so did Travis and the kids. It was time but we enjoyed the time with Grandma and Grandpa and Abbie enjoyed having Mac and Ryen to play with.

After last weekend's cold and rainy weather I went out and bought Abbie a pair of rain boots so that we wouldn't constantly be changing out of wet socks and shoes. As it turns out she thinks they are quite stylish and wore them most of this DRY weekend too.

Helping Dad chop some firewood

Just relaxing a sec

Rylee took her 1st 4-wheeler ride

Speaking of 4-wheelers. Mac and Abbie spent a good part of the day taking turns driving the 4-wheeler. They sure had a good time...

This is a year of first for Rylee and this weekend was no exception. All of the kids wanted a popsicle and so Rylee tried one out too...


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