Sunday, July 5, 2009

Too Tired to Play

I take Rylee with me in the bathroom, most of the time, while I am showering. Sometimes I put her in the bouncy seat, sometimes in the walker, sometimes on her belly on the floor. Rylee was in her walker with me in the bathroom on the morning of June 19th (this is important only to note that Rylee is 6 months here). Rylee's schedule at this point is to go to bed sometime between 8:30 and 9 pm then sleep until 5:30 where she gets up, has a bottle, and goes back to sleep until 7:30 or 8 am. This is fantastic for me since I enjoy going back to bed for a few hours too.

This particular morning she followed her regular routine and so once she was up and going I jumped in the shower to get ready for the day. I looked out to check on Rylee and was surprised to see that apparently she was still tired and wasn't ready to get up for the day.

I decided to wake her up right after the pictures since I thought the steering wheel was going to leave quite a mark on her forehead.

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