Saturday, July 25, 2009

Husband Day--July 19th 2009

Family day during the summer has taken a different spin. Because I have chosen to turn down any opportunities to work this summer and instead do nothing but spend time with my family, we can do "family day" any day during the week, not just Sunday. Every day Jeremy is off is family day!

I have noticed, however, that my husband isn't the focus of my summer and my attention is focused on both girls with an occasional "Uh huh" to Jeremy when he offered a comment or question. I had realized the only alone time I had with Jeremy the entire summer was when he took me to dinner and a movie for my birthday, but even that afternoon didn't allow for REAL conversation about something other than our kids. Suddenly it seemed I hadn't talked to Jeremy about himself in months.

I decided we need to have "husband day" one day/evening per month. This is something I have called "date night" in the past but it has fallen to the wayside often so I have decided to call it something similar to our famous Sundays. Family day is something I look forward to all week and hold it precious to my heart, husband day should be the same. I hold Jeremy precious to my heart and he deserves my undivided attention at least one time per month.

Husband day for the month of July brought beautiful weather and a phenomenal 4-wheeler ride in the Highwood Mountains. We saw beautiful scenery and had the opportunity for plenty of conversation! It was nice to hear how he was doing and be able to listen without helping Abbie complete a craft project or change Rylee's diaper.

Please hold me to this....there should be a monthly post about what we did on "Husband Day." What will August bring?

I love him so much!!!

Once we started climbing it seemed like you could see forever...

Only in Montana at the end of July can you find a snow drift this size...

We included Troy and Becky on the first ever "Husband Day" (they don't even know they partook in such a piece in history). We enjoyed their company very much and still were able to have our own alone time while we were riding the 4-wheeler and the drive in the truck.

All it took was someone saying, "I bet your ATV can't make it up there on that rock."

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