Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Abbie's Swimming in July 2009

We enrolled Abbie in swimming lessons again this summer since we feel it is so important for her to become a strong swimmer if she wants to eventually tube and water ski. This year Abbie tried out her swimming skills on her own, unintentionally, but isn't there a point after so many lessons that you want to see if your child is actually learning something? How do you test that? As a parent I wouldn't just throw Abbie in and see how she does....Abbie showed us how she would do though.

Abbie and her friend Taylee were dunking their heads under water while they were waiting for their turn to demonstrate their swimming skills to their teachers. One particular time Abbie was dunking up and down against the wall when it wasn't her turn and she dunked, let go of the wall, and got too far away from the wall to grab it again. At least that is what I think happened because the next time I looked over I saw her paddling like mad to keep her head above water and make her way back to the wall. For a split second I thought she really is going to make it back to the wall but during that split second I managed to get out "Abbie, Abbie". Jeremy looked up and the next thing I knew he was in the water, tennis shoes and all, and Abbie was once again holding onto the wall...and her daddy!

The important thing was that she didn't panic, she didn't get scared, and SHE WAS SWIMMING!!

Abbie's Level 2 Class

Wearing goggles has turned into a big deal. Not only does she wear them during lessons but she also wants to wear them in the backyard pool, in the shower, and possibly when she even gets a DRINK of water.

Big success this year--Abbie put her WHOLE face in the water. Last year she thought she was putting her whole face in, but it was really her mouth.

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