Monday, July 6, 2009

Columbia Falls

Jeremy took 2 tilts off from the Fire Department which basically gave him the month of June off for us to spend some time together as a family. Our last family "camping" trip of his vacation we headed up to Columbia Falls to take Abbie to the waterslides. Remember we had to cancel our camping trip right before this due to some wiring issues with the truck so I was worried that we wouldn't make this trip either, but we left early on Father's Day without any hitches.

Sunday, Father's Day, was just a travel day where we just took our time heading to Columbia Falls and then set up camp at an RV park right in CF. Monday we awoke to a rainy day so we decided to take in some sites around the area. We drove into Whitefish and Kalispell and did some shopping and sightseeing along with some game playing back at the camper.

Tuesday we awoke to a beautiful day so in the morning we took in bumper boats and mini golf. It was perfect since we were there early enough that we were the only ones on the boats so Abbie got to drive her own.

Abbie driving her own boat also meant she got to squirt on her own. She loved to squirt Jeremy and I but didn't like to be squirted. You wouldn't think the 4-year-old would be able to figure out driving the boat and running the squirting component at the same time but wow, Abbie really picked it up quickly. Big disadvantage for mom and dad!

The afternoon we spent at the waterslides. The weather was perfect...warm enough to play in water but not too hot to cook us. Rylee took in the waterslides by playing in the kiddie pool and hot tub as well as relaxing and taking a nap.

Abbie liked the waterslides but took time between sliding to play in the hot tub. Abbie really only likes swimming in pools with water the temperature of her bathtub at home...difficult to find so she opts for hot tubs instead.

Regardless of whether it was Jeremy or me, this is what it would look like as we started up the hill

And this is what it looks like not long up the hill. Abbie is no dummy!

Here they come

And here is the end and big smiles...

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